圣严法师108自在语 星云大师讲演集 洞山宗旨 清时期曹洞宗在湖南的发展 云门宗禅诗研究
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导读:世人多知自求快乐,忘掉别人的痛苦,但修习慈无量心的人不但自求快乐,乃至十方世界一切众生都得到快乐幸福。这个修持需要我们真心诚意,不求任何回报地去发展自己的慈爱心,帮助一切众生得到究竟的安乐。所以帮助众生一定要契理契机,你给的都是你自自己“想”给的,而不是对方想要的,活在自己世界里的付出,可能会适得其反。The people of the secular world...



The people of the secular world know how to be happy and forget the pain of others, but those who practice the immeasurable mind of loving-kindness are not only happy, but even all sentient beings in the world of the Ten Directions are happy. This practice requires us to be sincere and not to seek any kind of reward to develop our loving-kindness and help all sentient beings to attain the ultimate peace of mind. Therefore, helping sentient beings must be a reasonable opportunity according to the Dharma and audience. What you give is what you “think” by yourself, not what the other person wants. The effort when you live in your own world may be counterproductive.
